How to Recognize and Avoid BDSM Abuse

Welcome to our ABCs of BDSM podcast series. The core of BDSM is communication and consent. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.

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BDSM Politics

Today's podcast is an unscripted look at where BDSM has come from, how political ideology has influenced where we are presently, and how to shape the future of BDSM. There is a tension between people that are left of center and right of center on the spectrum of political thought. We give our advice for finding consensus and shaping BDSM based on traditional integrity and moral character.

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First Moments of a Kink Scene

The Dominant partner has a plan and the submissive has the play space ready. Kneeling in anticipation, the submissive waits for the Dom to enter the room. Today we wanted to help you set the stage for what goes into building kinky play scenes and talk about the emotions and mindspace to getting into a scene. We also play some music we created to help communicate the feelings of the first moments of a kink scene.

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