Welcome to our intermediate sex magick podcast series. Setnakt’s Sex Magick focuses on Initiatory Magic. Today we talk about the magic of silence and developing your Inner Temple.
Welcome to our intermediate sex magick podcast series. Setnakt’s Sex Magick focuses on Initiatory Magic. Today we look a little more at the power of the human will and what you can achieve with it.
A safe word is something you use during a scene to let your partner know if you are ok, need to slow down/readjust or to stop. While most kinksters use the stoplight method, you can use any word(s) that you can remember easily as long as it is not something normally said during a scene. If safe words are ignored a lot of unwanted physical and emotional damage can be done during a scene that wasn’t consented.
If you want a long term partner you need to be testing for things like self-awareness, integrity, strength of character, consistency, and someone’s willingness to face discomfort and adversity. Surface level characteristics can make for an exciting and novelty filled beginning but they don’t stand the test of time, relationally. The reason why people waste time is because they don’t think they have time, so they commit to misaligned relationship after misaligned relationship rather than actually saving time by going slowly and actually vetting before committing. If we want depth, we have to live deeply and vet deeply. If we want surface, then live surface and vet surface.
Self-esteem relates to how you feel about yourself, whether you like yourself. Being submissive is not about being a “doormat” or a “lesser person”. But the sad thing is, many go through life feeling less than what they truly are. Today we give you three solutions to building a healthy self-esteem. It is a long road to repairing damages of the past, but it can be done.
In today’s show we explain why it’s so important, and the different options you have when planning your safe call. A safe call is when you call someone to let them know you are ok, and more importantly safe. You meet someone new (either at a munch or online) and this is either the first time meeting face to face, or first time alone. More than likely you won’t need the safecalls or have your friends call for help but evil stuff does happen, and some people are fake and abusive. It’s better to plan and be safe than have no one to call and you know you’re not going to live through this.
Many of his peers claim that the book is askew and some even claim some of things Master John states as facts are actually a fabrication. We have the book in our library, along with most of the books discussing that Old Guard era and we simply don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. So let’s look at parts of the Leatherman’s Protocol Handbook to help us piece together an image of the puzzle that we consider Old Guard history.