These are just suggestions; obviously, you should pick those that you think would work for you. Or, you could use them as a jumping-off point for some unique resolutions of your own.
Well, here goes!
— Resolve to try a new BDSM scene regularly.
— Resolve to buy a new BDSM toy once a month.
— If you are a Dom/me, resolve to make your sub write a diary – whether regularly or only for a scene.
— If you are a Dom/me, resolve to learn a new BDSM technique every other month.
— If you are a submissive, resolve to learn how to better communicate with your Dominant.
— Resolve to make regular playtime in spite of work and other demands on your life.
— Resolve to read your contract regularly if you have one.
— If you do not have a contract, resolve to make one.
— If you are the Dom/me, resolve to push your kink intensity from time-to-time.
— If you are the Dom/me, resolve to listen to your submissive better.
— Resolve to go to a BDSM play party at a local dungeon.
— If you are the Dominant, resolve to ask your submissive to list his/her favorite BDSM activities and try to incorporate them into your play. (This is one long resolution!)
— If you are the Dom/me, resolve to be a better one.
— If you are the sub, resolve to be a better sub.
— Resolve to listen to your partner more effectively.
— Resolve to discuss what you liked and what you did not like about your BDSM relationship in the last year. No punishment, no protocol – just honest discussion.
— If you are a Dom/me, resolve to examine any bad decisions you made last year objectively
— Resolve not to repeat mistakes. (A good one!)
— Resolve to eliminate one habit your partner hates – such as smoking.
— Resolve to keep at least one of your resolutions!
— Resolve to read at least one book about BDSM. (With Amazon, this is too easy!
— Resolve to discuss D/s deeply with a fellow lifestyler.
— Resolve to raise the spiritual level of your D/s relationship.
Adapted from an ongoing list at kinkweekly*com